Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics quizlet. There is no consensus among utilitarians on how to measure and determine the overall good. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ________ refers to a system of moral principles that human beings use to judge right and wrong, and to develop rules of conduct. neither a nor b. always act to achieve optimific results. Utilitatian. The hedonistic calculus is a method designed primarily to calculate how much pain and pleasure you yourself will get out of a course of action. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like They were updated in 2004 to include references to both compliance programs and "ethics and compliance" programs. Behavioral norms, 2. , Which of the following Which of the following is true of Kant's theory of duty ethics? A) The responsibilities of duty are inscribed on all rational beings, by nature of the rationality. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements would a rule utilitarian affirm? a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to Mill's theory of life, A. Normative theories of ethics propose some principle or principles for distinguishing right actions from wrong actions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The only accurate statement about consequentalism is: Selected Answer: Answers: a. , The WWW corporation builds hospitals in rural areas b. Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 16. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following can NOT be said about utilitarianism?, Jeremy Bentham created a tool that can measure the overall utility of an action, that subtracts possible pains from the possible pleasure that the act can provide. Which of the following statements is true of the system of ethics known as formalism? a) It is concerned with the common good. C) Duties are primarily derived from lessons learned in experience. Business ethics is concerned more with ___ than with ___. does not consider the owners of an organization as the stakeholders. " C) "A virtue is a propensity to obey a moral command that applies categorically. , Kant claims that the only thing which is truly morally The "practical rule" ensures that managers are taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. In the primary readings, Mill claims that happiness is the same as contentment. Natural Law assumes that there is a common goal for humanity that is rooted in our rational nature. It can lead to consumer cause fatigue. It refers to the shortsightedness about values. false. a) Community members b) Supplies c) Stockholders d) Customers e) Distributors, The utilitarian rule states that an ethical decision is a decision that a) best protects the rights of people utilitarianism. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements concerning ethical issues is correct?, When many people share the same values, it may be possible to identify a philosophy of utilitarianism. procedural protections that are part of due process include all of the following except ? Right to restart proceedinga. It lays emphasis on adhering to personal feelings while performing an act Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In describing ethical theories, which of the following is TRUE?, Ethics of Care, A shipwreck has occurred in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and there is no time to radio for help. a consequentialist moral theory; one should make decisions based on the consequence/outcome; a relativistic moral theory where the outcome needs to be observed in order to determine what is right or wrong. - Kant spent his whole life in the town of his birth. , In the context of rule utilitarianism, which of the following statements is true? a. Which of the following most accurately describes how Gilligan's research is interpreted today Kantian ethics is the most common form of duty-oriented reasoning. There is just one set of moral laws and being both universal and absolute, these laws hold for all persons in exactly the same way, without exception. Decisions are expected to be taken based on laws and not on ethical values. Consequentialism says that the moral rightness of an action is Created by. consequences of one act performed by all people. Both theories compare a current ethical dilemma with similar examples and outcomes. behavioral norms c. ethics b. B) The "goodness" or "badness" of an outcome is often subjective. Where do most terrorist attacks occur in the world? a. It is difficult to know how to consider the consequences for all the parties that will be affected by an act. In the context of ethical theories, which of the following statements is true of act utilitarianism? a. b) It is primarily a utilitarian view of ethics. person chooses value of personal satisfaction. how much your desires are satisfied. A society's ethics are derived exclusively from the written values and norms of society that address how people should interact with one another. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the context of the determinants of a civil society, _____ involves the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities. Utiltarian ethics focuses on the consequences of actions as being what is most important. , 17. considering the consequences of our actions. , The utilitarian tradition in ethics would have the strongest objections to manipulation. Workplace ethical cultures have no impact on decision making. South America d. c) It is concerned with the moral consequences of actions. Nonconsequentialists deny that consequences have any moral significance. b) An ethical action is one that shows respect and compassion for all others. Identify the social role from the following. consequences of each act individually performed. An act being morally right or wrong depends solely on the consequences (it brings about). When considering the determinants of a civil society, which of the following refers to the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities? a. social philosophy. social controls, Moral principles of values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group is which mode of social control? a. The branch of philosophy that addresses the values pertaining to human behavior, with regard to the "rightness" and "wrongness" of actions and to the "goodness" and "badness" of the intent and results of such actions is called _____. individuals b. , ________ is an ethical framework that judges the morality of an action based on how well it adheres to broadly accepted rules, regardless of the action's actual consequences. What matters is whether we have broadened the scope of our deliberation to include more than our narrowly circumscribed immediate and personal interests. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?, In the 21st century, we define justice as:, Which of the following statements about 31 of 303. 4. c. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Standards of proper or acceptable behavior are known as _______. True or false: In ethics, all acts can be successfully justified by tying them to self-interest. Logic helps us organize our ideas into coherent, convincing formats. A theme in this book is the contradiction between formal codes of ethics and __________. A. Gilligan associated the ethic of justice with the way men think about morality, and the ethic of care with the way women think about morality. rule utilitarianism. This statement is not aligned with the utilitarian approach. It lays minimal emphasis on individual rights and self-worth. Moral Varies among culturals. , A person who follows the deontological theory:, In the context of the utilitarian ethical theory, to a utilitarian: and more. (METHOD OF ETHICAL DECISION MAKING) considers the management of an organization as one of the stakeholders. The moral law is fully available to all persons and is autonomously made by each person; it is solely based on the authority of reason, which resides in each person. Our preferences=value=happiness. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The statement, "I will read a book when I get bored so as to improve my mind," is a __________. 1. Logic helps us form valid arguments about bioethical topics, so that we know the conclusion of an argument is true if the premises are true. Click the card to flip 👆. public opinion, Which of the following statement is not an example of an ethical issue? a. d) It is primarily a duty-based view of ethics. Logic helps us evaluate our own and others' ethical arguments, e. citizen, brother, mother etc. Mill claims that something is desirable if it is desired. It requires corporations to use anticompetitive measures. When making a decision, selecting the alternative that meets the minimum decision criteria is selected is known as _____. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethics are moral principles unrelated to the conduct of an individual or a group, Certain practices, such as the use of illegal payments and bribes, are far more acceptable in some places than in others, though enforced laws are increasingly making the practice less accepted. Which of the following statements is a principle of utilitarianism?, Which of the following represents utilitarian allocation of scarce resources? and more. Of the following statements, which is NOT true about ethics and integrity?, 18. False. - Kant never married, and he never had any children. Utilitarianism requires that agents always. ) The sources of pleasure are the same for humans and swine, According to Mill, generally, persons acquainted with both types of pleasure, higher and lower, will . excludes customers and government agencies from the list of stakeholders. my feeling in the moment. It has its origins in formalism. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is utilitarianism, according to Smart?, Which version of utilitarianism does Smart think is correct?, Which of the following statements would an extreme utilitarian accept? and more. Rescue may not be coming. , _____ is a moral theory with origins Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Utilitarians would object to child labor as a matter of principle. B) "A virtue is a character trait that, when exercised, results in the greatest good for the greatest number. , An ethics of virtue focuses on the actions of a person rather than the person's characteristics. the uninhibited desire of innocent children. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In his dialogue Euthyphro, Plato took the position that the gods approve of certain actions because these actions are good. He called it _______________. An organization's code of ethics is shaped by the ethics of the top managers of the Identify a true statement about the utilitarian approach on the ethics of workplace relationships. b. Laws b. always be motivated by maximizing the good. PHI 205 Ethics Quiz. The utilitarian approach for ethical standards states: a) An ethical action is the one that best protects and respects the moral rights of the affected parties. It allows us to disregard the rights of those who lack the political power or force of law to exercise their moral claims. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is true of classical utilitarians?, Which of the following is true according to Classical Utilitarianism?, True or False: Classical utilitarians believe that happiness is pleasure. and more. a. Terms in this set (39) Utilitarianism. 6 of 20. It is based on duty. consequences, principles, and personal character. 242, Utilitarianism would agree to which one of the following statements?, One reason Bentham donated his body to science was to put a stop to body-snatching. It is a legal standard of behavior for assessing the conduct of people. B) Duties are established at a communal level, allowing for variation across cultures. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following was not one of the upheavals of the late 18th and 19th centuries?, The utilitarians were philosophers and social reformers. criminal impulses, 2. The consequence of your battle produces a significant decrease in utility (e. , Aquinas objected to the cruel treatment of animals on the basis of his concern for the welfare of the animals. consider each option and its effects before deciding how to act. , The "Four Ps" of marketing include product, price, promotion, and placement. what satisfies a human being. Act Utilitarianism. According to Mill, I should judge one pleasure as more desirable than another pleasure by: A. An act being morally right or wrong depends solely on the consequence. ) and more. Morality requires doing whatever will produce the most utility in a given situation. Europe b. Offering payments to government officials is a practice widely accepted in Africa. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Mill claims that something is desirable if it is desired. It results in immediate losses for a company because of its focus on a cause. 122 and more. TRUE FALSE, A problem that the text raised with the divine command theory of ethics is that A) no intelligent person believes in God. The United States c. 3. the influence of religion d. Which ethical philosophy would endorse Batman killing the Joker because Batman could save many lives by taking the life of one: the Joker. Utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of actions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the context of ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true?, Which of the following is a similarity between the deontological theory and moral relativism? a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the 1980s, Carol Gilligan distinguished between the ethic of justice and the ethic of care. ENGR 482 - Utilitarian Ethics. It is accurate in predicting the future outcomes of an act. The following statements are legitimate challenges to the _____ theory: 1. Social and economic goods may be unequal if A. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements is true of less-developed countries and multinational corporations in the context of globalization?, A general standard of business practice that can be applied equally to all countries over and above their local customs and social norms is called a _____. Psychology questions and answers. Utilitarianism. " D) "A virtue is a stable disposition to act and feel according to some ideal model of excellence. who a person is. A) utilitarianism B) ethical fundamentalism C) ethical relativism D) Kantian ethics, ) Which of the following statements best describes the moral theory of utilitarianism? A) People must choose the b. A Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements about Immanuel Kant is NOT true? - Kant was born in Königsberg, Prussia (now Germany). all of the above Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Principle-based ethics, also called rights-based ethics, refers to the concept that the correct path to ethical decision making is determined by duties, such as obligations, commitment, responsibilities, and not by consequences. c) An ethical action is the one that provides the most good or does the least harm. , by helping us spot fallacies. The best moral policy is to follow a set of rules most likely to maximize utility. Stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility: a. " B) A life of well-being and human flourishing. casuist ethical theory. Ethics c. For example, ethical decisions protect people's rights to freedom, life and safety, property, privacy, free speech, and freedom of conscience One fine day, she loses patience and abuses her husband and slaps him in public. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements are true of the view of business ethics that holds that 1. d. timbriel2323. F. Virtue ethics directs us to consider how various character traits can contribute to, or obstruct, a worthy and good human life. Euripides E. 2. moral relativism. the preference of the unexperienced. B. Consequentialism: Ethics. The belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, cultural, or historical period. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following best describes Utilitarianism?, What is Mill getting at when he writes: "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied"?, What is the ultimate sanction of all morality, for Mill? and more. True or False: Acts that do not maximize pleasure or wellbeing are morally wrong. Moral relativism theory c. Utilitarian ethical theory Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is ethics?, Which person argued that a corporate manager's primary responsibility is to the shareholders of the organization and that managers should make the company as profitable as possible while also complying with the law?, Which of the following is not a stakeholder? and more. Nonconsequentialist theories of ethics never consider the freedom, knowledge, justice, pleasure not=to mine. self-regulations d. Psychology. both a and b. An act is moral only if it is motivated by a sense of duty alone. E. C. Active civil society c. considers the management of an organization as one of the stakeholders. B)many morally abhorrent actions have been defended on the basis of God's Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Sometimes an exception to a rule is justified with this method, It's about determining which rules, when followed by the people in society, create the greatest happiness for the greatest number, He could not approve of a theory that justified the killing of an innocent few for the sake of the well being of the many and more. p. c) Obligations, responsibilities, and commitments determine the correct approach to ethics. , Which of the following is a true statement about utilitarians?, What are the categories that represent the major traditions of ethical frameworks? (Check all that apply. Which of the following is true of rule utilitarianism? It's about determining which rules, when followed by the people in society, create the greatest happiness for the greatest number. , A principle-based framework defines a set of rules that enforces us to act or decide in certain ways. The most optimal choice is morally right and the rest are morally wrong. Cultural relativism holds that different cultures ____, and that what one culture believes is wrong, another culture may believe is right. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _______ watch the company and its managers closely to ensure that management is working diligently to increase the company's profitability. g. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking is physically determined by the laws of nature and the facts of the situation, yet Jack is free because his choice makes a difference about what happens. Identify the true statement about normative myopia. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Negligence involves the ability to foresee the consequences of one's acts and failing to take steps to avoid the likely harmful consequences. It is at a distance of a thousand miles from Africa. utilitarianism sometimes requires that we a) An individual may have to sacrifice his or her rights in order to generate a net increase in the collective good. Which of the following ethical theories is defined as a belief in time-and-place ethics and holds that ethical truths depend on the circumstances? a. One feature about utilitarianism that makes it appealing as a standard for moral decisions in business and nonbusiness organizations is that it provides a clear and straightforward basis for which of the following are true of ethical egoism? -It's central principle is that the right action in any situation is the one that is the most in the individuals long-term best interests. According to cultural relativism, if a culture C accepts the theory of Utilitarianism, then right action in C consists of maximizing happiness. The reason people criticize utiltarianism as being incompatible with the ideal of justice is that. Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. identify a true statement about Ayn Rands version of ethical egoism. It has given 1. What Maria exhibited conforms to the ethical theory of: a. Identify a true statement about the obesity epidemic in the United States. One of the strengths of utiltarianism is that it gives strong support for the ideal of justice. May 22, 2024 · True. Immanuel Kant D. An ethics of virtue seeks to _____ that will lead one to live a meaningful and happy human life. Every social ill does not have a law and all rules cannot be enforced. Deontological theory b. the impact on those being governed c. The captain is in a lifeboat but too many people want to get in, and Social investing: is the practice of limiting investments to companies that have ethical policies that match those of the investor. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements is true of ethics and law?, It was ethical and legal to acquire and possess slaves in ancient Rome and Greece. 1 day ago · Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? Human rights are equal rights; if X is a human right, then everyone has this right. Socrates, Which of the following statements is true of the social contract theory? A. , Which of the following statements is true of virtue ethics?, Principle-based ethics might allow the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Utilitarianism as a social philosophy is against policies that _____. Subordinates are expected not to act unless directed by superior authorities. Utilitarianism is a nonconsequentialist ethical theory. act utilitarianism. the inequalities work for the benefit of the least advantaged and B. A person Social Sciences. Click the card to flip 👆 This approach suggests that employees are treated well as a means to improve workplace harmony and productivity. 0 (1 review) Utilitarianism. It is a belief in time-and-place ethics. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How does Mill define happiness?, On what grounds does Mill think some pleasures can be judged higher or better than others?, Which of the following rules captures Mill's understanding of Utilitarian ethics? and more. Today, however, slavery is considered both unethical and illegal. subcultures d. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like moral rights Under the moral rights rule, an ethical decision is one that best maintains and protects the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of the people affected by it. It is a character trait valued as being good. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Wealth of Nations was written by _____. For virtue ethics, the acquisition of the same becomes a fundamental question for ethics. Self-regulation, ______ uses Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ) A government or political party that strictly derives its ethics and laws from a specific religious book is an example of ________. All of the above. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Utilitarianism as a social philosophy is against policies that _____. " This statement is an example of what Kant called a categorical imperative. Karl Marx C. Virtue ethics primarily focuses on whether the outcome creates happiness and avoids pain. True or False: An act that brings about at least as much pleasure or wellbeing as every alternative act is morally right. , An argument is invalid, but the conclusion is true. Utilitarianism is an egoistic normative theory. Each person has equal right to liberties as long as it does not mean that others have lesser unequal liberties. Which of the following terms best describes the argument?, Which of the following represents a potential problem for Kantian deontology? and more. The emphasis on producing the greatest good for the greatest number makes utilitarianism a ________. Kenneth Arrow 2. Rules of etiquette do not go to the depth of what is existentially important. , Utilitarianism claims that the moral act is that which brings about as By "maxim," Immanuel Kant meant the subjective principle of an action, the principle that people in effect formulate in determining their conduct. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which Theory of distribute justice places need above desert or entitlement?, ______________ theories of distribute justice attempt to maximize Virtue ethics focuses on _____. Kenneth Arrow 1. Which of the following statements is true of a virtue? a. Human beings are rational egoists, who 1 day ago · Summary of Kent's Beliefs. Another factor influencing business ethics is _____, or what is fair according to prevailing standards of society. Share. It states that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma. Africa, 3. civilian casualties) and thus your way of going about fighting your enemy is impermissible. Terms in this set (24) Ethical Relativism. the cost to the public b. D. 1 / 27. , Which of the following statements is true of morals? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to the text, ethical issues involve broad social questions, often concerning the government's social control mechanisms and: a. It is a rule that developed as a result of cultural values and norms. how happy you are. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The utilitarian approach to communication ethics considers communication to be ethical if? A)An act brings good to a majority of people over time B)you treat others as you would want to be treated C)You would be judged as ethical by a board of your professional peers D)You would be judged as ethical by the public if it appeared Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Identify the statement that is consistent with utilitarian ethical theory:, Which statements are legitimate challenges to utilitarian ethical theory?, Which statement is not true of deontological ethics? and more. Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? a. rule utilitarianism. True or false: An individual's self, or character, is identical to his or her most basic and enduring dispositions, values, beliefs, and attitudes. the opinion of the majority. , Which of the following is an advantage Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. Self-regulation b. unethical people c. Adam Smith B. The way of ethical thinking, in which we think about the consequences of our actions constantly. ) An act is right if and only if it promotes happiness. , Obedience to rules as the primary responsibility of ethics, utilitarian and more. 5. ) Pleasure and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends C. This implies that ________. *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics? A. - Kant lived during the 16th century (1500's). none of the above. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Which of the following IS TRUE of act utilitarianism? Sometimes an exception to a rule is justified with this method. The three major categories of an ethical framework are. Ethics d. b) Certain acts are wrong and should not be performed, regardless of the overall happiness they may produce. a moral theory based in maximizing the collective welfare/well-being of humans. , The stakeholder group with the most responsibility for deciding the goals of the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to, _____, people owe moral duties that are based on universal rules, Section 406 of the _____ Act requires a public company to disclose whether it has adopted a code of ethics for senior financial officers, including its principal financial officer and principal accounting officer. This statement is not true for the utilitarian approach. Utilitarianism seeks to measure the overall good or happiness objectively. In Odessa, Texas, it is forbidden to burn leaves when there are high winds because there is Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Definition. Casuist ethical theory d. Donald Trump's decision to fire missiles at a Which of the following statements is true of ethical cultures? a. -It is a prospective theory of human behavior. The act of using your superhuman gifts to help others is obligatory since it increases overall utility. The right to fidelity and honesty from our loved ones. thee is open and fair competition for all to participate. Amanda and Jeremy argue about the employment of children in tobacco farms A. Term. true. "We must always treat others as ends and not as means only. Utilitarianism is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks where one seeks to live a moral and virtuous life. True. Normative myopia. Social control d. zd sy ox du zx uh hn ao pa dj