Judging others exercise. Pair-Share Dec 19, 2023 · The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, or ERQ, is the most popular emotion regulation scale among psychology researchers. Aug 3, 2021 · 5. One of my favorite practices to counteract judgmentalism is mindfulness exercises. 5% of women, 43. · randomly and by chance. Try being an impartial witness to your own experiences through the day. Again, this does not mean to harshly judge. spirits" (which requires making judgments) - 1 Jn 4:1. Today it seems that only the latter concept is emphasized, resulting in Dictionary of Bible Themes » 5000 Humanity » 5760 Human attitudes and behaviour » 5897 judging others. Firestone suggests four ways to quiet our inner critic: Identify your inner critic – “Try to identify what your critical inner voice is telling you. This verse reminds us of the importance of not being quick to judge others. why you chose this topic. “Judge not lest you be judged” is a snippet from Christ’s great Sermon on the Mount ( Matthew 5:3—7:27 ). 00 USD $35. The Importance of Love: Christian teachings emphasize the importance of love and forgiveness. In company do you: · initiate conversation. When X happens. 6% of men. Realize that the world is as it is, and it will always be. Mar 26, 2021 · Most of the time involving an ethical judgment of someone else’s sin. If you have time, you can switch and have the people who moved asked the questions and get the other side to move. A few verses after Jesus’s command to not judge, he tells his followers to “beware of false prophets” ( Matthew 7:15 ). Rather than direct anger outwards, we become curious and note where the judgement arises. Sadly, the passage is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied teachings in Scripture by believers and non-believers alike. good / bad / neutral… without trying to stop them. We are called to humility, and “God opposes the proud” ( James 4:6 ). Embrace others’ differences. You cease to be grounded in reality, becoming lost in the world of your judgments instead. For the most part, we are doing so for survival. Then, practice the art of acceptance. – God. " . 6. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. ” 4 The peace that comes from listening to the Holy Spirit removes the fear of making a poor judgment in life. I. There is Oct 20, 2023 · In fact, many scriptures eloquently prohibit judging others. Maintain a fair and reasonable outlook. Often the more we judge ourselves, the more we think others are judging us. “Learn to do good, seek justice,” says Isaiah 1:17. Jan 26, 2017 · Because as Christians we are not suppose to judge others. Scientifically reviewed by Jo Nash, Ph. Getting to know people from different backgrounds, cultures, ages, ethnicities, beliefs, etc. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. John Wesley. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. You don’t know what storm I’ve asked her to walk through. God’s Word exhorts us to “seek righteousness. Here's a free youth group game that includes a quick lesson on "judging others" based on Romans 2:1-3. And not Feb 25, 2023 · 4. Be More Positive and Optimistic. Lack Of Information. Gossiping spreads ill will and makes people form judgments about one another without knowing the real story. ). Social Consequences It’s easy to think that Stoicism is about judging other people. But there is also a warning in verse 6. God's people are to exercise fairness and impartiality when called upon to exercise judgment in legal or church matters. He describes these elements and offers 6 days ago · Matthew 7:1-2. We are so inclined to judge other people that we may hardly even realize when weu0019re doing it. “Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is We can know our judgments are righteous if: They “refrain from declaring that a person [is] assured of exaltation or … irrevocably bound for hellfire. At a restaurant, grocery store, shopping mall, drivers on the road, etc. Without them humanity cannot survive. In Matthew 7, Jesus turns to the topic of judging others. 1% of men. It’s small, fun, full of flavour and leaves you wanting more. Oct 21, 2016 · Be Slow to Judge. 5897 judging others. B. Matthew 7:1-2 – “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 1. We must have a healthy suspicion of our own pride, and keep Jesus’s words ringing in our ears: “Judge not Sep 18, 2020 · Intuitively, one would expect that people who are good at recognizing others’ emotions would also be accurate in judging others’ personalities. You have no insight into why they dress, act, or talk the way they do. Reflection: Jesus warns against judging others, as the standard we use to judge others will be applied to us. This instrument is designed to categorize personality into distinct types based on preferences in perception and judgment. “Do Not Judge. You see there was this lady. Judging others seems to be one of the biggest sins these days. [We begin, then, with the matter of judging others, noticing at first verses 1-2 which are frequently misused] VERSES 1-2 ARE OFTEN USED TO FORBID ALL MANNER OF JUDGMENT. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Paul says that God’s judgment is according to truth, so when we judge others for things we do ourselves, we are storing up 37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. In one passage, Marcus says, “Robbers, perverts, killers and tyrants—gather for your inspection their so-called pleasures!”. Apr 11, 2024 · When looking at gender, 64. Focusing on the things that you like or even love about someone may also help you to avoid making snap judgments and appreciate the person instead. So the first step, in reframing these judgmental thoughts, is to really look for them and to pause on them when they do pop into our mind. Perhaps, this can help us begin to look at life, others, and ourselves with compassion and 6 days ago · The Harmful Effects of Judging Others Psychological Ramifications. Try to think about the things that you admire about the people in your life to help prevent you from criticizing them. These exercises involve tasks that challenge your ability to judge distances accurately. Oct 5, 2012 · Freedom from judgment enables fear and anxiety to leave your heart, greater expressions of love toward yourself and others, and recognition that you have the power to change things that are within your control. Wars, genocide, murders, blatant racism, homophobia, and sexism, as well as illiteracy, ignorance, and lethal diseases, have all, over time, been on the decline. If you want to stop judging others for their bodies, you need to stop judging your own body in that way. May 11, 2018 · He went on to say that not judging is a gift we can give to others. Judging Others. The main point of this lesson is: You will be judged by how you judge others. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Dec 15, 2016 · It is the merciful who will be shown mercy ( Matthew 5:7 ), and, as Jesus warned, “In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” ( Matthew 7:2 ). Acknowledge that this thought process is separate from your real point of view. The ego doesn’t like to be vulnerable, so it puts up walls to the expression of our true selves to protect us from ridicule and judgment. The Bible teaches two sides of the subject of judgment: judging others with righteous judgment (using discernment) and avoiding self-righteous judgment (condemnation). Oct 10, 2015 · Judging others offers us the opportunity to get curious. We Should Judge the Actions of Those Inside the Church. Be mindful of your snap judgments. Jan 30, 2024 · Judging others is the act of forming an opinion or assessment about the behavior, actions, or attributes of other people based on our perception, understanding, and interpretation of their actions and words. Oct 6, 2023 · Back to blog. It does not mean to hypocritically judge, or even to cast ultimate judgment upon people. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. To begin this Meditation, please bring kind awareness to. 7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. ” (2 Chronicles 19:7) Verse 1. That sounds petty,” says Caro. Learn how Jesus canceled judgment and how to apply this in your life. One popular exercise is the “coin drop” game, where you drop a coin and try to catch it between your fingers. This awareness and patience for others sets the stage for conscious communication. New International Version. One of the most recognized tools for evaluating personality types is the Personality Type Indicator (PTI) is a tool for assessing your MBTI personality type. Jesus will explain it to us today. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Materials Needed For each student: Jul 7, 2023 · 3. 7:1, the Lord said, “Do not judge lest you be judged. Mar 10, 2024 · Section 5: The Impact of Judgments. 5. Nov 22, 2022 · Avoid interrupting when someone is talking. 29. Try to Understand What Others ACTUALLY Need. Are often unhappy. (Describe the situation Jan 1, 2001 · In Matt. 9% of women, 51. As the Dalai Lama stated Nov 27, 2020 · 2. If we deal honestly deal with our own hearts, etc. Instead of two people judging, accusing, and blaming each other, we can instead stop a negative inter-personal cycle May 8, 2014 · Stop yourself. "Judge not, that you be not judged. Feeling shame or guilt for our human tendency to judge the world around us does not help us to overcome this habit. Heart Mind Body Breath Environment. A judgment can be positive as well as negative. Jesus addressed this topic in a passage from the Gospels: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matt. However, one can keep their judgmental words and thoughts from harming others. It is a useful exercise There are three types of judgment: judging others, judging ourselves, and others judging us. That kind of judgment is healthy and necessary in a Christian life. Psalm 50:4 says: “He summons the heavens above, and the earth to judge His people. Most times, you are judging people you see out in public. Keep an open mind and try to look for the best in people and situations. When we impose our judgments on others, we diminish their 4 Jehovah expects us to live by his standards of right and wrong. improving your ability to see things objectively. Identify other people’s strengths. 7:1). avoiding reacting in a conflict-based Aug 24, 2016 · Increasing our awareness of all the ways in which we judge ourselves and others is the first step to releasing judgment. We push away those we deem untrustworthy because we fear they may harm us. . Often, when we go through something, we get judged because of it. 4. However, the temptation to pass judgment upon the life or testimony of other individuals is clearly warned against. Bible: John 8: 3-11; Ephesians 2: 8-9; Mark 2: 15-17; Matthew 7: 1-5 (NLT) Say: Let me start off with telling you a story. Suddenly, you will be inundated by people who want to offer the perfect solution for you. Check all that apply. John 7:24 says, “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly. Others Keeping You At A Distance. The scale is composed of 10 items, rated on a Jun 3, 2010 · Identify your common self judgments. This teaching urges self-reflection and promotes empathy. Instead of judging, we can learn to look at situations using "just the facts" descriptors. This a good exercise but it can also lead to a sense of Sep 26, 2019 · God Is the Judge of All Created Things. “When friends start to get on each other’s cases, that doesn’t sound like healthy judgementalism. Lack empathy for others. · having the option to buy. “Judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV) “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Jun 17, 2020 · Context is key when we think about judging others. Our sinful flesh has a hair-trigger to judge others. Oct 17, 2023 · Practicing Depth Perception Exercises. It's kind of inherent that you'll judge others for their body if that's how you judge yourself - that's your reality. When judging others, Christians are encouraged to approach the situation with love and Jan 14, 2024 · Judge with Righteous Judgment. We know about the importance of love and compassion for others. Nov 8, 2023 · The first portion of each session is devoted to a short mindfulness exercise and discussion. Consequently, you may easily move from the thought “This person did something I think is wrong” to the belief “This person is morally bad. Instead of passing judgment, we should approach others with grace and understanding Oct 1, 2021 · People judge others to avoid reckoning with potential feelings of inferiority and shame. Judging others not only limits our own growth but also has a negative impact on those we judge. No one comes to the Father except through me. Most judgments of others stem from one of three basic causes: 1. Ackerman, MA. Not using the equipment correctly – 58. Dec 11, 2017 · 6) The Stoic. Exercise and movement is useful to dissipate Mar 15, 2019 · 1. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Judging Others – Understanding and Compassion. Sale. As a result, he has identified six key elements that collectively constitute good judgment: learning, trust, experience, detachment, options, and delivery. Dec 8, 2022 · 7. Today’s message is “Should you judge others?” Jesus weighs in and gives us guidance on judgment, discernment, and criticism as it relates to others in the world as well as in the church. For instance, you might be shy and encounter a very gregarious person. Think of it as the appetizer to a theological dinner. It challenges the notion that there are multiple paths to salvation, showcasing the exclusivity of Christianity. Oct 13, 2023 · Why Judging Others Is Harmful. In his commentary on Matthew, Stuart May 15, 2024 · Matthew 7:1-2. There’s a saying that goes, “If you can understand someone, you can love them. how your belly, chest, and head each feel when you reflect on this topic. 2. Jun 3, 2010 · Identify your common self judgments. The Lord even goes so far as to make it clear that within the Kingdom of Heaven, His judgment reigns supreme: “The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Jul 21, 2023 · This brings us to the second question: What does the Bible say about judging others’ spirituality? The most direct statement on this issue comes from Jesus himself in Matthew 7:1: “Do not Ridiculing others exposes us to the righteous judgment of God, and we bring more suffering on ourselves by our complaints against one another than we are aware of (James 5:9). Feb 9, 2023 · See the world through personal biases. Acknowledging someone else's suffering can stop one from judging that Nov 29, 2022 · Answer. You wouldn’t tolerate the same behavior or characteristic in yourself. Dec 3, 2021 · There is one concept of Christianity that many seem to have a hard time understanding: judging. Notice the stream of thoughts going through the judging mind . Judging people and accusing them is what Satan does (Revelation 12:10). Last week our youth group looked at the idea Mindfulness without judgment reduces stress by cultivating a more peaceful mind. DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THIS LESSON. 28. Discover how to combat judgment in our culture with this insightful free youth group lesson on judging others. We also know that we are not called to judge the motives of the heart. Judgment is a natural instinct. Similar to the idea that, "If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. A positive, happy, optimistic person doesn’t have the time to think about the flaws in other people. 6% of women, 46. " Apr 17, 2014 · You make quick, strong judgments, not looking for the context around other people's actions. “Judge carefully for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding. This innate human tendency of judgment often stems from our own personal experiences, cultural influences, and societal norms. Ground yourself with mindfulness. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. $250. , will help you be more understanding of where they come from and, in turn, be less judgemental. By Denise McKen. Judging others in a legal situation. Recognizing that people think, act, and communicate differently is vital to avoid being judgmental. 2024 SUMMER BUNDLE – Save 78% on $450 worth of youth ministry lessons and games for the summer and beyond! Youth Group Lesson on Judging Others. Jun 16, 2022 · being more aware of the other person’s feelings. Open-Minded People. In other words, you can tell someone’s true nature Judging Others? Or Ourselves? We often see things very clearly. Elements of Judgment (Part Four) Sermon by John W. Join Youth Pastor Co's "Canceled" series for a wealth of resources to empower your youth ministry. They are “within our stewardship. Don’t gossip about other people. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. Should one usually let events occur: · by careful selection and choice. Jan 14, 2024 · Romans 2:1-4 – Judging others condemns yourself. Although the Bible warns against hypocritical and unfair judgment, Jesus also taught that there are times when we should exercise appropriate judgment. understanding more about your own feelings and reactions. So how do handle tough situations and judge appropriately!? Aug 3, 2020 · As Steven Pinker documents in Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress, w e have made moral progress. See others as opponents or competitors. Show openness by not folding your arms, crossing your legs, or leaning backward. 00 USD. ”. This guided meditation script can be used for group or individual practice. 8% of men. Your judgment might go something like this: What a show-off. Self-righteous judgment is wrong. I would look at other people walking along the street—who had May 15, 2024 · Bible Verses About Judging Others Actions Matthew 7:1-2 “Judge not, that you be not judged. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic People Judging stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. “Before you judge someone else, stop and think about all that God has forgiven you for. righteous judgment" - Jn 7:24. ” Then, in verses 2-5 he warns against trying to correct others without first correcting what is wrong in our own lives. Jesus warns against the hypocrisy of judging others while ignoring our own faults and failings. the emotions that you can associate with these visceral feelings. . 27. Before we jump into what judging others looks like, we must have a right view of God as judge. It emphasizes that the same standard we use to judge others will be Judging others is a quick process, often based on superficial information. Judging people requires having a negative state of mind, so by simply changing your state of mind, you can automatically stop yourself from being judgmental. We are called to make a judgment upon actions. The framework is grounded in Carl Jung's theory of psychological Three subjects are discussed in this section: Judging others - Mt 7:1-6. The only way to practice this authentically is, not surprisingly, from a place of non-judgment. When working with judgments, it’s important to understand that judging is a natural human trait. May 22, 2014 · The activity is over when the people who are moving end up at the same spot that they started. “I judge all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity. Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus talk critically about their fellow men quite a bit. Don’t judge refers to not being judgmental to others. The treatment plan’s mindfulness exercises went as follows: Session 1: Raisin Exercise; Session 2: Body Scan; Session 3: Mindful Seeing; Session 4: Mindfulness of the breath, sounds, and thoughts; Feb 1, 2024 · 5. Christians have a responsibility to "judge those who are. The comparison used to judge is more about you and your own strengths and weaknesses that has very little to do with the other person. (Im bad, stupid, lazy, weak, not worth it etc. Feb 20, 2019 · Judging others is a natural instinct, and we are all a little judgmental at times. Now, have the group share interesting facts that they learned about each other during the activity. Mindfulness without judgment can be practiced to improve the quality of life, work, relationships, and overall well-being. When we point fingers at others’ sins, three fingers point back at us. Youth Group Lessons. And He is not a judge of outward appearances but judges the heart. So, amid today’s hatreds and chaos, there is hope Luke 6:37-38 ESV / 2 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. Each night before we delve into the talk and then the bible study, our youth group likes to do a little “something” to introduce the main idea to the kids. While believers are called to exercise discernment and hold others accountable, it is important to do so with humility, gentleness, and the recognition that only God has the ultimate authority to judge. We want to surround ourselves with people whom we can trust because it makes us feel safe and secure. When the air is rife with judgment, it discourages open communication and fosters a culture of secrecy and fear. Don’t be judgmental to others. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023) We need to learn to judge in a godly manner, putting merciful restraints on our tendency to condemn or jump to conclusions. Judging Others Lesson Text Matthew 7:1-5; John 7:24 Lesson Objectives • The students will identify what Jesus says about judging others. However, the Bible tells us that we should exercise judgment in evaluating people’s actions and handling them as described in the Bible. We should use sound wisdom and discernment to judge matters fairly, without Jul 7, 2022 · Among other things, this tool teaches us to name and tend to our core emotions. 3. One size does not fit all. God is the judge of all things and all people. It can be as easy and require as little thought as breathing. However, we cannot let our judgements The Truth Behind Judging Others and Why We Do It. It is a useful exercise to give others The Bible offers profound guidance on the topic of judging others, emphasizing caution and compassion in this practice. Turn that self judgment into a nonjudgmental descriptive statement. ” This verse reminds Christians to not pass judgment on others. Realize that you cannot change others or control them. In Matthew 7:1-2, Jesus warns against judging others, highlighting the principle that we will be judged by the same standards we use. Mindfulness Exercise #1 - Being ZNon Judging [ Notice how you can become aware of judging and non-judging attitudes in yourself and others today. Luke 6:37 – “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. When we judge someone else, it gives us an ego boost by making us feel better than them in some way. ” This verse emphasizes that Jesus is the only way to God and eternal life. Some of the other “Being judged” statistics provided by FitRated include: Your weight – 64. We all know the Bible verse about judging others. Judging others is harmful for many reasons: 1. How do you stop thoughts of judgment? First, remind yourself that everyone, including you has a story (point #1). For with the measure you use it will be measured Justice and Judgement. They include “an adequate knowledge of the facts. Fourth, keep the commandments. God’s people are to exercise fairness and impartiality when called upon to exercise judgment in legal or church matters. When we judge others, it says more about us than the people we’re judging. People you know anything about. Since judging others can never give a person what they really need, they feel like they have to keep doing Feb 23, 2024 · Guide others live, either online or in person, or use this script to record an audio or video meditation. But this superiority is an illusion and stems from our May 20, 2024 · John MacArthur. Ask God to examine your heart and show you the people you have judged too harshly. Devalue others in order to feel superior. It makes us feel superior. May 11, 2018 · Why We Judge Others Consider perspective taking or mindful processing instead of snap judgments. Jul 29, 2022 · 6. But in most situations, we must be very slow to judge, exercising great care and restraint. If you want to see this in action, tell people at work, at the gym, or home, “I had a bad sleep again last night. D. • The students will decide how they will avoid judging oth-ers this week. (7:1-2) A. · wait to be approached. Judging others often leads to creating a negative atmosphere. ” ~Steve Maraboli. Not looking fit enough – 54. And then, choose mercy instead of judgement. Even though a judgement is an opinion, it is perceived as reality. When blatant sin is confirmed, Christians must lovingly judge Christians. We think our vision is clear. 9% of women had skipped a workout for this reason and 36. , then we have the responsibility to help others. In attempting to understand this passage, we need to be aware that it is talking about judging people on three different levels: civil, moral and Feb 17, 2024 · Bible Verses About Judging Other Religions John 14:6. ( Zephaniah 2:3) It also urges us to “put on the new Matthew 7:1-14. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” Matthew 7:1-2. 1 In addition to ruining other people’s lives, judging others in an unbiblical way: Sep 10, 2022 · Don’t judge. Do you feel better about: · having purchased. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. The truth is that we don’t always see the whole picture. Are understanding. We are taught by the apostle of love (John) to "test the. Oct 24, 2014 · Key points. inside" the local congregation - 1 Co 5:9-13. He went on to say that not judging is a gift we can give to others. the positive or negative impact of any stories you believe in Jan 19, 2024 · According to the dictionary, ‘ Assess ‘ means, “To determine the value, importance, or extent of” and defines ‘ Judge ‘ as, “To form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence”. Both tasks involve being attuned to the behaviors of others, detecting relevant, often subtle, nonverbal cues, and assigning psychological meaning to their patterns (Boone and Schlegel 2016). To further enhance your visual estimation skills, you can engage in depth perception exercises. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. • The students will explain how to look at others with a righteous heart and attitude. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Since his standards are just and righteous, we are pursuing justice and righteousness when we conform to them. It was developed in 2003 by James Gross and John Oliver, based on five studies spanning the question development, validity and reliability, and structure of the questionnaire. They are “guided by the Spirit … , not by anger, revenge, jealousy, or self-interest. The Golden Rule - Mt 7:12. Dalai Lama. As well as pushing people away after snap judgments, you may hear May 11, 2021 · This is where a sense of bonding comes in with judgment. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. Perhaps this is why we’re not participating in collective first bumps and lending a hand or a wipe: we fear being our authentic selves because that risks ridicule. Be mindful of your body language while listening. We can look at the famous illusion and we know, we insist – we can argue clearly – that we see a young woman. (Describe the situation Judging Others: How and How Not. The tricky part of practicing nonjudgmental mindfulness (enabling greater awareness, open-mindedness, and curiosity) is learning how to The Bible’s teachings on judging others emphasize compassion, understanding, and the avoidance of unfair judgment. In real life, assessing vs judging is also how the dictionary define them. These wolves in sheep’s clothing will be recognizable by their fruits ( Matthew 7:15–16 ). Plus, if you develop a reputation as a gossip, people will like coming to you for juicy tidbits about other people, but they won't really be able to trust you. Interact with people who are different than you. We are taught that judging others is a sin. Sep 8, 2014 · Dr. While our stress thoughts will always come and go, we can practice mindfulness to observe them without judging them. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. The willingness to keep God’s commandments opens to us many promised blessings. We tend to judge or tell our opinion quickly about other people or Oct 15, 2023 · This principle implies that when judging others, Christians should exercise the same compassion, empathy, and fairness they would desire for themselves. When being judgmental is a habit, it causes your mind to become narrow so that you see with tunnel vision. People Judging stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. For a long time, I was a judgmental person. Or an old one. People may feel demoralized, leading to stress, anxiety, and lowered self-esteem. Asking, Seeking, & Knocking - Mt 7:7-11. In Romans 2:1-4, Paul warns that when we judge others, we actually bring judgment upon ourselves. On another occasion, Jesus taught people to "judge with. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 Aug 7, 2022 · 8 Powerful Self-Compassion Exercises & Worksheets (+ PDF) 21 Dec 2017 by Courtney E. Remember that your critical inner voice is not a reflection of reality. sw qx ea nv qe es yd dh yo qn