How to see enemy buffs wow classic. Purges the enemy target, removing 1 magic effect. As Title says. Some addons read combat logs to accurately "guess" buffs. First, you must download the addon from WoWInterface or other Addon repositories. Jul 25, 2020 · Addon for seeing enemy players buffs. From raid wide auras to individual abilities, we cover all raid-useful buffs and debuffs, including details, effects, and which specs and classes can bring these to the raid table. Warning msgs in chat window, middle of the screen, and guild chat. World of Warcraft Forums Pvp centric plater profile. And the most drastic change of all, deleting world buffs from the game, entirely. Not only does it add the cast bar back to unit frames, but it also adds it to enemy nameplates. next page →. This was also the case before I installed ElvUI. For example, in an instance, you could control a mob, use it spells to heal your party (!!), and attack other enemy mobs. To perform a version check of your group/raid members type type /bgev into the chat. With this addon, gone are the days of having little to no control over how your nameplates look or how they interact with your combat experiences in WoW. "/pb" or "/fpb" to open settings. Much Appreciated! Yashamaru-atiesh May 20, 2020, 5:43am 2. Dec 2, 2023 · First, you must download the addon from WoWInterface or other Addon repositories. Arm Swing Timer – This add-on is beyond doubt a must to play a hunter successfully in Classic WoW, since it tracks your swing timers and those of your destination. Novaspark-Arugal for any questions. I am able to see this buff in open world on Monsters when I cc them and after cc ends, similarly I can see it on players when I duel them on the target bar. I'm using a weakaura for debuffs and I attempted to use nameplateauras to show enemy player buffs, for some reason when I charge the charge stun icon shows up multiple times, how do i fix that? I would recommend trying Plater, it has a lot of options so you can probably set it up in a way that you like. /console ActionCam off. This video shows How to Show Enemy HP Numbers Burning Crusade Classic. e. Jan 16, 2020 · Hello! Another interface question. MAGE. May 11, 2023 · I am specifically trying to track Crowd Control Immunity buff. May 2, 2023 · running. The-Noize. Jul 19, 2019 · If you want to focus your teammate: / focus X or / focus partyX. Mes had a profile for plater you can download. Nice for letting you plan those killing blows. By default, buffs and debuffs rest on top of the healthbar. flyPlateBuffs displays buffs/debuffs above nameplates. Zmugzmug-gandling July 25, 2020, 10:31pm 1. A nameplate addon. i use ellipsis for my locks dot/banish timer. Built-in list of spells contains important PvP and PvE spells. Why PWF, Arcane Intellect and other long buffs are not visible anymore? With the combat log range reduction (the Spy hotfix) also came a change that upon entering combat log range you no longer get any info on existing enemy auras. In this guide, we will go over the best Shadow Priest addons, important tools to improve a players' view of the World, highlighting important Shadow Priest information and displaying it clearly. Delete World Buffs. /console ShowFocusCastbar 1. reflecting upon what i’ve been through tonight, i was wondering what addon people use to see enemy world buffs (and buffs in general). ONLY ENGLISH CLIENT IS FULLY SUPPORTED. Two modes of duration display (on and under icon). May 10, 2020 · Aura gains should be hidden from combatlog/addons unless detect magic is up, or they are in your group. Also tried /console ShowTargetCastbar 1. Works really well with OmniCC. If something popped up on an enemy I could consume or spellsteal (I also play mage) I would see the icon on the enemy nameplate. probably by tracking combat log. Supports Retail, Classic, The Burning Crusade Is there an addon that shows debuffs over the enemy’s floating health bar, and one that can show things numbers for HP and combo points for rogue/Druid next to it as well? Classic Would be easier to see it there than having to click each enemy to bring up the name plate, plus it’s nicer to play with that in general IMO I've tried enabling/disabling the Blizzard option in Interface. The cooldown can also be activated via the options. There actually are addons that do this. There are a billion other options too, like Neat Plates, Tidy Plates, Plater, KiwiPlates, etc. important debuffs or enemy cds) -> Buffs -> Check Auto Buffs and Target -> Scroll down, check whitelist, enter buff names you'd like to see -> Under layout, select Icons When targeting a hostile (i. Well, you could use a hearthstone and hope someone wastes an interupt on that lol. The mob health addons are decently accurate after a kill or two. Describe the solution you'd like Apparently, LibClassicDurations has the ability to show buffs on enemies. That is what I am suggesting. This change is pretty drastic as it takes out a whole corner of the game that many players enjoy. I hate to uninstall the game…. nameplatecooldowns. Current version: 1. 15. You'll be able to tell what another player is casting and know whether you need to interrupt it or try to get out of range as quickly as possible. Xperl -> Target tab at top, Buff options are in the bottom right (target's target buff options are in the box above it). Other than the major 8, buffs should show as normal when consolidation is turned on. Someone told me that buffs that are dispellable will have a glowing border around them. For example, vs druids I would hardcode only ‘Innervate’, and then only when innervate is up (ideally) I would see a number (say, 5, in a box) or how many dispellable buffs the druid has. Also you can add your own spells. /dump C_CVar. u cast dispel on them and they dont have it anymore. Anyone know a super simple/low key addon to move buffs/debuffs under my portrait instead of being in the top right corner? I do not want an entire UI…. You can further have eg debuff bar show everything and have your aura bar light up to show if spellstealable spells are active if you wish. An input command I have used to make them show but now it doesn’t work anymore. /console cvar_reset. Currently using: Auctionator, Bigwigs, Clique, ElvUI, Grid2, Leatrix Maps & Plus that said the way it operates is very simple - you have a bunch of squares that you can resize, add or remove and reposition anywhere on the screen, and you can assign something to each square. I say this because it's highly likely you would use the addon for other things cos it's so useful. What are you looking for (their health, their mana, their buffs) this should be hidden until you are in range. They can even give a good estimate after a few hits. There used to be cast bars under the enemy unit frame however, they’re no longer showing up for me. It worked until today for the past few years since 2019. These dictate how it will appear on your bar. They aren't using Elvui so they cannot help me. Is there a way to see Enemy NPC buffs? - WoW Classic Hardcore - World of Warcraft Forums. **. / focus arenaX. Personally, I use Threat Plates to do the same thing but a lot less scuffed looking. Jul 7, 2022 · To determine if threat is generated, check the combat log for any "you gain x rage", "you gain x mana", etc lines. Code: /console noBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget 1. a boss), the buffs on that target are shown at the top right of the health bars in the HUD. I would love if this could be changed. It is not one addon not working, I've tried enabling several different castbars, they all work for player/npcs. Addons are powerful tools that can be used to Oct 28, 2020 · How to reset the World of Warcraft User Interface. I’ve tried goolgeing but pretty much all posts about this link to one of A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Its 100% customizable to exactly what debuff you want to show from showing everything to player only or raid boss only you can further pick spell by spell exactly what ones if you want. . I know there was an option in interface Aug 10, 2019 · There were addons that could show it if the player was in range for the combat log to pick it up. Same with cast bars, you can't check what talents have your target, so addons can't know what cast time will be, so it's can't be accurate. Mana generates threat at a 1-to-0. However when in arena it doesn't show the buffs of players…. They will only appear as your directly target the player. A lot of customizations: text styles, animations styles, colours, alpha, etc. Click on 'Panel Wizard'. Maybe he is using ElvUI nameplates and platter only for important buffs and debuffs since the big icons overlap with the smaller ones. Also make sure to change your file direction in the top right tab of the Twitch launcher to classic instead of retail! I'm pretty sure there's one called enemy cast bar. This guide's goal is to help players understand how to get World Buffs, which quests offer consumables for Raids, and a check list to get as many buffs as possible before your raid night can start. I know they added that now we can see cast bars from enemies. I really like Perl and I’d like to have it works with it. Currently, a simple trigger like type:aura, unit:target, aura type:buff does not seem to work on enemies. You can click on the “Buff Settings” tab to see their current location. The addons read the combat log and created the castbar from that. Idontknowhow-darrowmere April 25, 2021, 5:36pm 1. /console ShowVKeyCastbar 1. flyplatebuffs. I do not see the enemy cast bar in classic. When I reinstalled elvui a while back it made me wipe raid, cause I couldn't see boss debuff on the other tank rofl. GetCVar (“nameplatePlayerMaxDistance”) first then. I'd like to be able to see ALL buffs/debuffs on my targets. The first team to achieve three capture-and-returns of the enemy's flag wins the game. 5 ratio (100 mana gained = 50 threat generated), Rage generates threat at a 5-to-1 ratio (50 rage = 250 threat), and Energy generates threat at a 5-to-1 ratio as well. I don't care to see all their buffs, if only dispellable buffs show up then I know to dispel them, if there There is an option in the plater settings to blacklist buffs you do not want to see on enemy plates, you have to go through and select each buff individually Reply reply nug4t When an enemy has a buff which I can remove with consume magic I'd like to have it show up on their nameplates. Add-on can parse combat log for buffs, but if enemy got buff before you encounter them add-on didn't show buff. debuffs, feature not present in Classic. Nov 27, 2022 · Press V. Player Debuffs not showing. This was a default setting on my last system back in BFA. Aristos-aerie-peak May 20, 2020, 5:35am 1. 0%. Go to buff special tab and enable defensive and offensive cds. And before you say this isn’t vanilla, it’s sod…. In our guide to Warsong Gulch, we will cover everything you need to know, including how to Your post says buffs and debuffs, which you can see on friendly players, but debuffs are the only thing you can see on enemies. Base it on class range and not just a base range, it makes for better PVP. So it reduces the number of addons you need. It’s decent. Jun 12, 2020 · This does not appear to be an option anymore in the interface menu. Is there an option to turn it on or was it never a thing in classic? I tried multiple scripts / macros I could find online and had no luck. Just give it a try. Not true. Contribute to zetone/enemyFrames development by creating an account on GitHub. Have ClassicAuraDurations installed, just like before. Sep 8, 2016 · Originally Posted by plantation. youtube. Believe it or not, some players out there enjoy raid logging, as surprising as that might sound. example. I’ve tried “advanced interface opptions” addon, but there’s only a command for friendly targets there in Cvar list, not for enemy. Apr 9, 2015 · If you are configuring the addon for the first time, the easiest and fastest way to start would be to go to the ‘TOOLS’--> ‘Panel Wizard’ and to tick there the panels you want to have in your VuhDo: Click on addon icon near the minimap. If you ask me, that should be on by default so players can learn the game and Elvui stopped showing enemy player buffs after the latest update. I disabled all my addons and still do not see it. Plater is a nameplate addon that happens to be making some big waves in the World of Warcraft community. Ya i did, all it did was showing the names instead of healthbar. I see every streamer - payo and pshero for example, whenever they hover over enemy pvp the buffs Always show and it’s not from detect magic… any ideas ? In classic you cannot see enemy buffs without detect magic. Appreciate you guys' help. Nov 17, 2020 · 4. No such addon exists, in classic you cannot see enemy player buffs unless a mage puts detect magic on them. Is there an addon for this and what is it called? I tried 1 or 2 addons people claimed worked in the past but couldnt get it to Nov 17, 2011 · Alternatively, buff mods such as Raven let you whitelist buffs on a specific unit (such as target or focus). Tukui is worth a try as a package solution. But in Battlegrounds and PvP no buffs show up including the Crowd Control Immunity buff. Dec 2, 2023 · What I mean is if you can’t attack a player you shouldn’t see their name plate in PVP. You can activate this under “Options / Interface / Display / Show Enemy Cast Bar”. I remember always being able to see what my target was casting. I don't know how to re-enable it. 20 This is an addon for World of Warcraft Classic. Neatplates has the option, also shows your debuffs on to the target. But you can get nameplate addons too without changing the whole ui. But there are alot of finished profiles on wago if you dont want to do it yourself. This feature became available with WoW Classic 1. Hey! simply type /ec -> Unit Frames -> Individual Units -> Target -> Debuffs -> Add Special Filter -> Dispellable, This should work :) With a bit of custom code you could iterate through the buffs and check if every single one of them is dispellable. When Ive seen people playing with standard UI/Unitframes on streams they usually are able to see enemy player buffs (without detect magic) when pvp:ing. Classic WoW world buff timers and pre buff drop warnings so you never miss a buff. Yeah, I play with "no HUD". Yeah, I’m aware. If you use Leatrix Plus, you can move and scale the buff/debuff frame. This is how it was in og vanilla (see mage spell detect magic). Many others display options. Use this command or AdvancedInterfaceOptions. You can also use the "Copy From" button in the top right to copy options from for example Friendly NPC to Friendly Player. 12. Kittsuera: there is an addon you can use but its guess work at best because the info wasn’t made available. Dec 2, 2023 · Alusondre-ragnaros December 2, 2023, 9:28pm 5. If you are speaking about the Enemy UnitFrame then that is easily done with Weak Auras. Track the “5-second-rule” for mana-regeneration The purpose of this addon is to track the so-called “5-second-…. Or should I revert to the standard unit frames ? Thank you in advance. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Shadow Priest Classic Addon Guide, updated for WoW Classic. ECDC. Blizz probably fixed it so that you can no longer see enemy buffs as you probably weren’t intended to be able to. Mar 4, 2021 · Hello, How do you remove the debuffs above enemy nameplates? I want to show debuffs using weakauras to make it much easier to read, but I can’t remove the blizzard default ones. My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon. Dec 27, 2022 · #wowarena #worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #mmorpg World of Warcraft Dragonflight Neatplates buff and debuff tracking. Feb 26, 2020 · QUICK RUNDOWN OF HOW MACROS WORK: # – anything following a Hashtag is a MetaCommand. This add-on will enable the "Show all enemy debuffs" feature on all characters that have the add-on enabled as soon as you log in. May 8, 2020 · Hello everyone, I wanted to ask some help to know if it was possible to show enemies buff and debuff in Classic with Z-Perl ? It’s possible with the standard UI and ClassicAuraDuration but I can’t find a way to make it possible with Perl. Reply. Dec 20, 2019 · Mods like that don’t work for players because it’s nearly impossible to properly deduce the amount of health a given player has due to buffs, gear, etc all being dynamic and that information is not readily provided to the client. Classic Aura Length – Displays Buffs/Debuffs time left. /console ShowTargetCastbar 1. Aug 23, 2018 · The time now is 11:42 AM. Dec 2, 2023 · Offline on Twitch. WoW ClassicWoW Classic General Discussion. /console reloadui. It worked until today. /run SetCVar (“nameplatePlayerMaxDistance”, 60) fixed it for me. Warnings for each channel and time left can be turned on and off with /wb config. Skills such as Rend or Judgements or SW: Pain. But only applies to recent buffs. This needs to be an option in the interface menu. 100. no exactly, there is an addon tracking when your enemy buffs himself and displaying Boss Encounters, Buffs & Debuffs, Class, Combat, PvP, Quests & Leveling, Unit Frames • Cassini. You can edit this list. Then, you need to extract the addon in your Classic WoW folder, which will look something like this: Seeing enemy buffs in SoM. I've seen many streamers do see some enemy buffs like Divine Protection / IceBlock (with BigDebuffs it shows on nameplates/frames)But I don't even see them in buffs list so I don't even know when it's going to endDoes anyone know how to enable it? I have both ClassicAuraDurations and BigDebuffs installed. Is there a way to see Enemy NPC buffs? Is this possible? Is there an addon that allows this? you can have a mage cast Detect magic. What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart. That should show all buffs and debuffs on the unitframes. Reply With Quote. Some combination of moderntargetframe and classicauradurations, I think. ) This is a simple but powerful addon, that allows you to track cooldowns of all nearby players. It does not change the look of the healthbar itself. I can't figure out how to get Elvui to show dispellable buffs on my enemies. Alright, let’s move on and talk about buff and debuff icons. joaa93. Hi Community, I am looking for a WoW Classic Addon that will display a timer on debuffs I applied to my target. 1 addon to display enemy players on BGs. Click Show More Clas Aug 27, 2019 · Hi Do you know an addon to display enemies debuffs duration in numbers and over their name…? Linnet's How To _Remember to like and subscribe See all my videoes in playlist / categories here https://www. Then u can add buffs to either white or blacklist. Addon has turned to shit tbh aint nobody got time to mess with all the options and deal with update NameplateAuras works along with any non-default nameplates (ofc default nameplates are supported too). •. Masque (Classic) - Simple button reskinning which supports a variety of styles. /s - you can't, it's a feature. Contrast this with known NPCs which have a known and predictable amount of health that can be tracked and Oct 6, 2010 · It's also time saver when you spot check for the major buffs in a raid group, since you don't have to sort through all your other icons to see who didn't buff. Go to buff tracking or whatever the tab is called when u do /plater. KUI nameplates or plater. Jan 9, 2020 · ClassicCastBars adds the cast bar functionality to Classic. So I switched to elvui since that’s the UI I use. It can also give armor buffs, intellect buffs, etc. In classic you need detect magic. Click on ‘Tools’ tab. When a player zones in close to you, even if he's an enemy the game gives you information about what buffs they have. Installing addons in Classic follows the same flow as installing one manually in retail WoW. When you target a player, that players cooldowns will be displayed. Before we jump into the menu page and its subsequent tabs, allow me a The feature is still there, but can not be enabled in the menu. Check the options in the menu then, it might be something you unchecked at some point. Config in Raven: Bar Groups -> New Auto Group -> enter name (eg. None of my new characters are showing anybody else’s debuffs but my own. You can filter what you want to see and what size you want it to have etc. To enable it manually: /console SetCVar ("NoBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget", 1) To disable it manually: /console SetCVar ("NoBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget", 0 A lightweight Addon to show you all enemies, allies and important player-specific information in battlegrounds, arenas (solo shuffle aswell) To open the config panel type /BattleGroundEnemies or /bge into the chat. The reason addons can see if someone has buffs is because of the SPELL_AURA combatlog event, which is triggered whenever the client draws a player within 50yd (I think that was the nerf, it used to be like max range until the Spy related nerf I want it to be as like the standard UI frame shows em. Jun 16, 2021 · All Blood Elves: Arcane Torrent (AoE Enemy Magic Buff) Demon Hunter: Consume Magic (Enemy Magic Buff) Druid: Restoration: Nature's Cure (Curse, Poison, Magic Debuff), Soothe (Enrage) Balance/Feral/Guardian: Remove Corruption (Curse, Poison), Soothe (Enrage) Rogue: Shiv with Numbing Poison (Enrage) Hunter: Tranquilizing Shot (Enemy Magic Buff If you prefer your current player target frames im not familar with how to turn those aspects off though. If you want to move where the buffs show up, you can change the offset values in that same tab at the top of the 2nd column. Feb 20, 2021 · You will find sections like Health, Power, Name, Level, CastBar, Buffs, Debuffs in every tab like Enemy NPC, Enemy Player to fully customize every single pixel of your NamePlates. Hunter aspects, for instance, various cooldowns, fight-specific mechanics, etc. Yeah, that looks about right. GuidesUI and Macro. Plenty of presets and customization, shows relevant debuffs on the target with timers and also shows whether a mob is targeting you or someone else via the nameplate color (great for tanking!) He is using elvui. LibClassicDurations can track this, and addons such as ClassicAuraDurations can use that information to display enemy buffs. Add a Comment. Why would you remove a critical function of the game from the interface options? At least have an “advanced” section if you think most users are too stupid to handle this as an interface option. io. 3 Likes. Some players can't play every day and enjoy Jul 24, 2015 · All it does is show Buffs/Debuffs at the top of the Healthbar. That is the exact game mechanic. your fighting an enemy infernal, u cast this on them and u see they have fireshield. Classic castbar. Of course it doesn’t dispel paladin bubbles. World Buffs are a powerful ally when going into a Raid, but they require a lot of coordination and Sep 1, 2019 · ClassicSpellActivations - Adds a highlight for spells that have special activation requirements. in other words all things what are shown as Magic and do something beneficial to the buffed one. There's predefined list, which contains some defensive and burst buffs, and crowd control debuffs. Note that the interface folder won't exist if you haven't opened the Classic client in your computer yet. The period of the shoot and throw of other shots is also shown. I believe the addon threatplates will show their buffs and debuffs. It removes the enemy target’s beneficial spells like Arcane Intellect, Power Ward, Mana Shield etc. threatplates shows it too. Feautures. Mar 4, 2024 · Cant see their chronoboon anymore or basic buffs they have on. Also on the Global tab, Buff cooldown and buff countdown (with slider for when countdown to start). Although I was getting really mad when hunter feign death would bug it out and it would disappear. (Examples: #Show and #Showtooltip) / – Anything following a forward slash is a command. Oct 13, 2021 · Buffs and Debuffs. Note that noBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget is character-specific, you will have to set it on all of your respective toons. Aug 23, 2023 · Warsong Gulch (WSG) is a 10 Alliance/ 10 Horde capture-the-flag battleground where the goal is to capture the enemy side's flag and return that flag to your own base. Cant see their chronoboon anymore or basic buffs they have on. When controlling a player you can move it where you like, and make it cast buffs and certain spells. Doesn't show enemy buffs and durations for me anymore, even when a paladin bubbles in front of my face. There's no buffs in the example image, but they would show up to the right of the nameplate, and if you're a class with a purge, then purgeable buffs get a yellow border. Dec 2, 2023 · How to Install Addons in WoW Classic. EverQuest, City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, EverQuest II, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Star Wars TOR, Guild Wars 2, Rift. May 18, 2024 · Live on Twitch! This guide goes into detail about all of the raid buffs and debuffs available to players in Cataclysm Classic. You're welcome. Is there a way or a mod to get your debuffs/bleeds to appear underneath the enemy’s nameplate that you can get to float above their head? Probably a Weakaura he got from wago. so far i haven’t been bothering with it despite knowing it exists, but lets just Aug 5, 2019 · Welcome to the World Buff and Consumables Guide. If you used your brain you could deduce that I mean “buff timers on allies and debuff timers on enemies”. THE ADDON WORKS ON GERMAN, RUSSIAN, KOREAN & CHINESE CLIENT BUT IS NOT FULLY May 20, 2020 · WoW ClassicWoW Classic General Discussion. I only found the cast bars on enemys but nothing about health pools. 19 votes, 10 comments. Krustyballs-fenris December 11, 2021, 1:25am 1. The weakaura just displayes the information a bit more convinient but if you wanted to you could get the same information entirly without any custom scripting. If you want to focus an enemy arena player, you must use the number they are assigned with (replace “X” with the arena number they are assigned with - the player on the top being 1, second being 2, third being 3). Wall users also function. Then, you need to extract the addon in your Classic WoW folder, which will look something like this: C:\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns. Current warning times are 30/15/10/5/1 minutes left until buff I am using Plater, and I have customized the enemy plates to show some specific debuffs only, but I would also like for some debuffs to see mine only and not other players' similar debuffs. For example, I want to see all CC / snares affecting a target, whoever casted them. There are also options to enable other health bars in the options>gameplay>interface menu. When u cast this on enemies itll list the positive buffs they have on them, so you know if u can use ur mages dispel magic spell on them to remove the buff. Various per-spell filters are included. Enemy Cooldown Count (ECDC) Enemy Cooldown Count (. Did Blizzard change anything? Break the library CAD uses? It’s essential to see buffs on enemy players in classic PVP. Oh cool! Mar 2, 2019 · Enter Plater. 49 votes, 13 comments. Really what does the name plate show you. Don’t care if the number is above their head, if there was a Tell Me When or WeakAura Sep 20, 2019 · With these two add-ons, you will be able to see debuffs on your target with a timer, as well as cooldown timers on your own abilities. Nov 28, 2023 · AddOns, such as the then-popular “ClassicCastbars”, are no longer needed to show a cast bar for enemy spells. Hello, I've started using Plater and I found a good profile I like. com/channel/UCmd6xmZpPhJ6I9oe6hn65Hg/pla Under the buff and debuff tab add filters : personal, nonpersonal. 600K subscribers in the classicwow community. 1. . ClassicAuraDurations - Adds a duration clock to your. v = enemy plates shift+v = friendly plates ctrl+v = all plates. this works with other addons, for example, i can see enemy Oct 15, 2020 · I want to see just the buffs I hardcode in, and then a number. The words used will dictate the type of action that will be carried out (Examples: / say, / cast, / target, / castsequence) I don't, really, I was just explaining what the first guy wrote, since you didn't seem to understand. Needs quite the setup to get to naowhs settings. Enemy player nameplates do not appear above player characters even when all nameplates are turned on. This is for Demonhunters but you can use Description. So you could have a square assigned to track a cooldown of a spell, or to track a duration of a buff on you or on your target, or a debuff on you or on Hello, i am trying to reposition my frames to be more centered around the action; i am using the classic blizzard UI and i would like to display my own buffs/debuffs the same way i'm able to display buffs/debuff on top of my target frame. I said “buffs and debuffs on other players”, not “buffs on enemies”. Plater is the most customizable add on for nameplates if that’s what you’re looking for. It can show specific spells bigger than others. Roll mage, cast detect magic. I’ve heard this but haven’t found it in the options. Thanks for watching, like and subscribe for more videos. Neatplates works great for me. du jo ct wg sa re nl rx uh ul